What is the Independents’ Code (IC)?
IC is the quality mark by which Independent Optical Practices that deliver excellent eye care can be identified in their local communities. In due course also throughout the UK.

Why have we subscribed to the IC?
VisionCare Optometry has subscribed to the IC because the Code logo will fast become the quality mark by which the public can identify the best providers of long term eye health care for their patients. By way of example of the provisions of IC, subscribers will always ensure that patients have as much time in the consulting chair as they need and will not try and sell optical products that patients don’t need. The principals of IC and the eye care services provided by VisionCare are fully aligned.
What does this mean for our patients?
By becoming an IC subscriber, VisionCare Optometry is demonstrating to its patients that it delivers the highest quality eye care services as recognised by the only not for profit professional body for Independent optometrists (the Association for Independent Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians – AIO). By subscribing to the IC, we sign up to the IC Oversight Board (ICOB) which independently regulates IC by conducting audits and independent in-practice evaluations of compliance of subscriber practices. IC is not simply a badge; it is a living quality mark by which all subscribers must operate day in and day out. Our patients can have peace of mind that they are being looked after by the very best in the world of opticians.
What does it mean for new patients?
New patients can be confident in their decision to come to VisionCare, as only the best Independent optician practices will ever be IC subscribers. We are the only practice in Castleford and York which is an IC subscriber and this sets us apart from all other opticians and Optometrists in this area.
New patients can be assured that they will get as much time in the consulting chair as they need and that we will not try and sell them any spectacles or contact lenses that they don’t need. Simply, we have your long term eye health care at the centre of everything that we do. We aspire to form long term relationships with our patients and for them to recommend us to their family and friends.
What does it mean for health care providers?
Health care providers can be confident that IC subscribers will conduct extensive eye examinations and that they can be trusted as primary eye health care providers. As an IC subscriber, not only will we refer on patients as appropriate for any detected eye condition, we will also refer on patients in any case that symptoms of other potential health problems are identified. Similarly, we can be relied on to expertly treat referrals from local GPs who believe an in depth eye examination is necessary for any of their patients.
How do we know IC is not simply a badge?
The Independents’ Code is independently regulated by the IC Oversight Board (ICOB), which is run by a board of directors, consisting of two public interest directors and one practitioner director. ICOB is responsible for ensuring that all code subscribers are complying with the provisions set out in the code and can take sanctions in respect of any subscriber that is not. Please click here for a copy of the IC document. If you have any questions about what our subscription means for you, please do not hesitate to contact the practice on 01904 78 40 40 (York) or 01977 28 21 00 (Castleford).