VisionPlan VeyeP

VeyeP allows you to spread the costs associated with a comprehensive eye care service across the year. You will also receive a discount on your spectacle frames and lenses and be the first to hear of any special offers, events and new collections we have.

We are delighted to offer our patients a NEW comprehensive eye care plan – VeyeP.

Once registered with VeyeP you will receive the following benefits:

  • Eye care when needed and not limited to the fixed prescribed intervals.
  • Unlimited review examinations where monitoring is required
  • Ocular Coherence Tomography (OCT) and Optomap every 6 months
  • Priority appointments for any eye concerns, emergencies or advice year round
  • 10% discount on spectacle frames and lenses or a 10 month interest free payment plan (via Direct Debit)*
  • Unlimited free M.O.T and deep cleans of spectacles. Along with cleaning sprays, cloths and cases.
  • And a free cappuccino on each visit (other hot drink options also available!)

*5% discount will apply to any lens to own frame dispense.

VeyeP also includes minor eye conditions Service for

  • Red eye or eyelids
  • Dry eye or gritty and uncomfortable eye
  • Irritation and inflammation of the eye
  • Significant recent sticky discharge from the eye or watery eye
  • Recently occurring flashes or floaters
  • In-growing eyelashes
  • Foreign body in the eye (something in the eye)
  • Recent or sudden loss of vision

How much does it cost?

Our VeyeP plan costs the same as only 2 cappuccino’s in town!

How do I register?

Please visit your local Practice. We will confirm a few details with you before printing your direct debit mandate for you to sign.

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